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The Invisible Man
The Invisible Man (1897) is one of the most famous science fiction novel…
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Heart of Darkness
Set in a time of oppressive colonisation, when large areas of the world were …
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Love and Freindship
Love and Freindship [sic] is a juvenile story by Jane Austen, dated 1790, when Austen was 14 year…
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Sense and Sensibility
The two eldest Dashwood sisters, Elinor and Marianne, one of whom (Elinor) embrace…
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Penrod and Sam
Follow more of the hilarious life of the boy Penrod Schofield, his friends Sam William…
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The Importance of Being Earnest
The Importance of Being Earnest is a classic comedy of manner…
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The Ball and the Cross
The Ball and the Cross is G. K. Chesterton's third novel. In the introduction Martin Gardner notes that it is a ""mixture of fantasy, farce and theology."" Gardner continues: ""Evan MacIan is a tall, dark-haired, blue-eyed Scottish Highlander and a devout Roman Catholic.... James Turnbull is a short, red-haired, gray-eyed Scottish Lowlander and a devout but naive atheist.... The two meet when MacIan smashes the window of the street office where Turnbull publishes an atheist journal. This act of rage occurs when MacIan sees po…
The Brass Bottle
What happens when a not-so-lucky man happens upon a brass bottle releases the djinni caught within? Misunderstanding, culture shock, hilarity, among other things. Will the well-intentioned djinni help his new master? Or will he makes things even worse? (Summary by Guero)
Candide, ou l’Optimisme, (“Candide, or Optimism”) (1759) is a picaresque novel by the Enlightenment philosopher Voltaire. Voltaire never openly admitted to having written the controversial Candide; the work is signed with a pseudonym: “Monsieur le docteur Ralph”, literally “Mister Doctor Ralph.”Sardonic in outlook, it follows the naïve protagonist Candide from his first exposure to the precept that “all is for the best in this, the best of all possible worlds,” and on through a series of adventures that dramatically di…
The Dolliver Romance and Other Pieces
This post-humous collection of stories, sketches and essays by celebrated quintessential New England author Nathaniel Hawthorne gives us glimpses of the many different facets of Hawthorne's personality. The titular tale The Dolliver Romance was an unfinished manuscript that was edited and prepared for publication after Hawthorne's death and relates the story of an aged man with a small child in his care who swallows a magical tincture daily that rejuvenates his vitality, reversing the aging process. Also in a more fanta…
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